Surge protectors protect your electronics from power surges in your electrical system. Erik Von Weber/Getty Images When you put together a computer system, one piece of standard equipment you'll probably buy is a surge protector. They serve one obvious function; they let you plug multiple compo...
At the very least, wrap this connection with electrical tape. The addition of an insulating cap makes the connection safe and secure. Find an Electrical Pro Near You Next See: Four-Way Switch Wiring | How to Wire a 4-Way Switch
The text symbols and project codes i… Automotive power amplifier circuit d… Opto Tech unveils modular LED street… Once again won the bid for Nanning M… LeTV 4 X55M first test: high price r… How to check if a pH electrode works… ...
These sophisticated breakers are designed to protect people from electrical shock, rather than prevent damage to a building's wiring. The GFCI constantly monitors the current in a circuit's neutral wire and hot wire. When everything is working correctly, the current in both wires should be ...
of an electrical emergency. You can purchase electrical wire covers to keep your wires safe and hidden from view, but they’re not that simple. If you have wires running outside, you mightneed to find an alternative or coverthem differently. Here’s how to cover exposed wires outside. ...
Input-to-output isolation means that whatever the sensor or measuring wire is connected to in the outside world is isolated from the DAQ system. Systems with both channel-to-channel and input-to-output isolation provide the most robust isolation. SIRIUS DAQ systems from Dewesoft provide both ch...
If the wire is not connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) or a residual current device (RCD, commonly found outside the U.S.): Connect the green test lead to a separate ground such as a metal water pipe, a metal grounded structure of the building, a grounded screwdriver...
Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets block electrical power to prevent potentially dangerous shocks — they should be installed in any area where water is present. Changing a standard outlet to a GFCI is a fairly easy and inexpensive project that will help protect you and your family....
I'm taking apart an old Pioneer stereo amplifier (model 303R). I'm having difficulty unpluging a couple of wire ribbons from the PCB.. I tried pushing, pressing it from the sides, pulling (i thing i damaged the wires when trying to wiggle it while pulling) to no avail.....
I am running a new 15A outlet into the back of a bookcase in a 50 year old house with updated electrical. The wire runs out the back of the retrofit box and down through the concrete foundation into the crawlspace to a wire I plan to splice into. Do I need to put armor around the...