You may be wondering—should dogs wear snow boots? Yes!Dog snow bootsare the most reliable way to protect paws in winter. It’s best to stay away from latex or rubber boots as they can trap moisture and cause itchy paws. They provide a nearly impenetrable barrier against sharp ice, snow...
Paw Protection– Use booties or wax-based protectants to protect paws from ice, snow, and salt. Wipe Paws After Walks– Clean your pet’s paws after walks to wash away salt and ice-melting chemicals. Limit Time Outdoors– Keep pets inside as much as possible during extreme cold to prevent...
Sometimes, boots are overkill, and some dogs might refuse to tolerate them. However, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your dog’s paws. We recommend getting some paw balm to protect them during inclement weather. These products are pet-friendly and safe to use for animals that may lick...
A healthy dog and proper footcare go paw in paw! Here are some tips to help prevent and restore dry dog paws.
They are made to protect your pet’s paws and fit similar to a sock! LuckilyPAWZis comfortable for your pet because they have no zippers or straps! Also, there is no padding, so typically dogs accept wearingPAWZ dog boots, even when they have tried others without success. Feeling the ...
While it's generally true that outdoor dogs are not picky about where you take them, those that get to romp through the snow somehow seem like they're living their best lives. But cold temperatures and snowy landscapes introduce some new concerns for your canine, so it's wise to take a...
How to protect paws in winter; Use rubber covers as shield from saltMonica Collins
"Pet owners should seek medical attention as soon as possible if their pet displays any symptoms of heat stroke," she said. "After removing your pet from the heat and into a cooler area, use cold water to wet the ear flaps and paws to start the cooling process and transport them in a...
Snowballs Instead of Dog Paws? An alternative toPaw SaversarePawz Dog Boots. Not only do they protect your dog’s entire paw, they can also help snow clumps from forming. A lot of non-shedding dogs get snow and ice clumps stuck in their paw fur while gallivanting through winter wonderland...
you may be wondering how cold is too cold for cats to stay comfortable and toasty warm. Whether you have an indoor cat who loves to snuggle or an outdoor cat who is unafraid of chasing prey through the snow, it's important to know what to do to protect your cat from cold temperatures...