Just like any other type of punctuation in the English language, quotation marks have their rules. Knowing how to punctuate your quotes properly is a must, whether it’s in a research paper you’re working on or a book you’re writing. Use those quotes with confidence, with a little ...
Use Quotation Marks Correctly! I have to include this one because so many of my college students do this incorrectly: quotes must be included INSIDE your own sentence and not as a sentence with quotation marks around it. Look this up if you aren't sure. Incorrect: “Training is important ...
we refer to this as anindirect quotation. Typically, indirect quotations don’t use quotation marks because the writer is not quoting someone else’s exact words. For example,
When including a direct quote from a source, enclose it within quotation marks to indicate the words belong to someone else. Additionally, provide accurate citation information for the quoted material to give credit to the original author. Consultation of citation guidelines. Familiarize yourself with ...
If you notice in the WordPress do_shortcode example above, we make sure to always echo the do_shortcode function to display the value. 2. Double-check that you're using quotation marks properly. If you experience a PHP error after adding a shortcode with do_shortcode, it might be an issu...
You know plagiarism is wrong; now what? This guide explains how plagiarizing keeps you from learning and gives you ten steps to take to avoid doing it.
Our best practice is to use hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_) in filenames.  Apostrophes and quotation marks If you copy text into a Markdown editor, the text might contain “smart” (curly) apostrophes or quotation marks. These need...
Put the exclamation point inside the closing quotation marks if it applies to the words enclosed by the quotation marks. “There’s a spider on my arm!” yelped Jeremy. If the exclamation point applies to the sentence as a whole, then place it at the very end. And then the paramedics ...
How to monitor mentions on X (formerly known as Twitter) To see mentions on X, type your brand name into X’s search bar. Use quotation marks around your brand name to make sure you get an exact match. Then navigate to the Latest tweets to find your results. In the image above, the...
Common best practice is to use them sparingly, if at all. I read a lot of humorous stories through the contest I run. Many writers overuse exclamation marks. They do not make things funnier. If a joke is good, I'll laugh. I don't need an exclamation mark to help me understand the...