When you decide to reject a job offer, it’s a good idea to let the employer know you're declining as soon as possible. Even if you aren't interested in the job, you should graciously turn down the position. Nowadays, many employers are relaying job offers via email. As such, it’s...
you’re at a point where you need to turn down a job. It’s not always easy to decline a job offer, but it’s a courteous and professional step in the job search process that will help you maintain a positive reputation even though you’re saying ‘no.’ ...
What's the best way to decline a job offer? How should you turn down a job if you don't want to take it? It always makes sense to be polite when you reject a job offer, even when the offer doesn't come close to what you were expecting. ...
Whether you find yourself in the above position but feel like the pay cut is unjustified or an organisation is not willing to negotiate or be flexible with their remuneration package for you, this blog explains how to politely reject a job offer because of the salary, and how to pull it ...
Getting a job offer is a big step in the right direction -- but the challenges of job-seeking don't end there. If your future employer offers you a salary that's less than you think you deserve, you owe it to yourself to put on the brakes. Do your homew
The best way to reject a job offer is to be polite and honest. Make sure that you tell the company promptly and clearly that you...
Sometimes businesses have to reject a proposal because theprice just isn’t right. Maybe the business is unable to afford the proposed cost. Maybe they have doubts about the value-for-money. Maybe it’s a good product, but the pricing structure is unappealing. (For example, the company migh...
Here’s a translated excerpt from Ji Kang’s rebuttal letter to Shan Tao’s job offer, an honest yet incendiary response which sealed Ji Kang’s fate: 1– I like to sleep late, but if i become an official, attendants will wake me early, and this is the first thing i cannot stand....
Tips on how to ask for more money during a job offerand get it. Whatnotto do when negotiating your salary. What to do after salary negotiations. How to make up in perks what you didn’t get in the salary offer. Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes?Try our ...
Scroll back to the top The first line of your cover letter can make the recruiter squirm and reject your application, or encourage reading further. Don’t risk it! Learn how to address a cover letter the right way. I will teach you who to address a cover letter to and even how to ad...