How to Quote Something or Someone
Whether it’s dancing to a catchy beat, attempting mind-boggling illusions, or showing off your unique talents, participating in trending challenges can attract attention to your profile and help you connect with like-minded individuals. Keep an eye out for popular hashtags and explore different ch...
To paraphrase (verb) isthe act of rephrasing a statement into your own words. When you paraphrase, you are essentially borrowing someone else’s ideas and putting them into your own words. Since you’re borrowing and not creating those ideas, be certain to give credit to the original source...
While you use your own phrasing in paraphrasing, when you quote something, you transcribe someone else’s words exactly, placing the text in quotation marks so the reader knows they are someone else’s words. Both paraphrasing and direct quotes require citations. Generally, you want to alternate...
When paraphrasing, you have to be careful toavoid accidental plagiarism. This can happen if the paraphrase is too similar to the original quote, with phrases or whole sentences that are identical (and should therefore be in quotation marks). It can also happen if you fail to properly cite th...
“There are three areas of study in which someone who wants to be virtuous and good must be trained: that which relates to desires and aversions, so that he may neither fail to get what he desires, nor fall into what he wants to avoid; that which relates to our motives to act or no...
Then, someone from our transcription team will get back to you in a couple of days by email, so make sure to check your email address is correct. Once any suitable transcription projects are available, you will receive an email with the PO details, the files, and the expected turnaround ...
Look for questions in your niche, then email the journalists who asked them with thoughtful answers to their questions, alongside your details. If a journalist decides to use your quote in the article they’re working on, they’ll typically credit you as the source with a link back to your...
Learning how to use a comma helps that happen naturally and painlessly. A special note about commas for professional writers Professional writershave an additional obligation. If you’re the designated scribe for someone else, just as it’s your responsibility to learnhow to overcome writer’s bl...
Job interview:If an interview is scheduled a few weeks out, it's best to check in the day before to ensure the time still works for everyone involved. If someone is supposed to contact you after a job interview, hiring managers suggest waiting until after the agreed-upon timeline to send...