How to prune lilac bushes and when. Pruning Lilacs at the right time. Learn how to prune lilac bushes for shape and to rejuvenate the bush.
Cover the roots with a few inches of soil, and firm it to push out any air pockets. Keep adding soil and tamping it to ensure the bush stands upright. When the hole is half-filled with soil, stop. 7. Water the Half-Filled Hole Thoroughly Use the garden hose to give the bush a th...
If your garden has an evergreen hedge or evergreen bushes then you will likely have to prune these around three times a year to keep them in good condition. Conifers will need pruning even more often as they are fast growing and can soon begin to get out of hand and block light. Spri...
if you live in a cold area, you'll want to ensure there is always a 2- to 4-inch layer of mulch around the plants during the winter months in order to provide ground cover to protect the shallow roots from frost. It's also important to properly prune blueberry ...
lopper for removing stout branches from near the base of the shrub. Before beginning work, clean the blades with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to prevent disease spread. If you prune more than one shrub, clean the shears between shrubs as well, and clean them before storing the shears....
To bloom at their best, flowering shrubs need pruning. Knowing when to prune your shrubs and how to do it properly are the keys to landscaping success.
If you cut the roots without proper planning, the shrub may be too shocked to establish in the new location properly. Prune the roots in the fall, then transplant the shrub in winter. Pruning will encourage new root growth condensed near the root ball. Plan the plant’s transportation: ...
Prune your way to a beautiful garden Rose bushes can make a garden look stunningly beautiful, and if you follow the steps above to keep them healthy, you’ll enjoy a range of flowers. If, on the other hand, your thumbs are not so green, or you simply do not have the time to tend...
If your backyard is shaded, don’t fret. Stun your neighbors with an abundant vegetable garden in front of your house, or use what you’ve got anddesign a shade garden. You can try to reduce shade in your yard by removing or trimming large bushes and trees. ...
Select healthy, young blueberry bushes from a reputable nursery or garden supply store. Did You Know?Most varieties of blueberry bushes require two different varieties to properly pollinate and produce berries. Plant the bushes in the spring. Blueberry bushes grow best in full sun. They like cl...