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Manifesting is the practice of focusing your energy and intention to create your own reality. It’s a powerful tool that can help you get to the place you want to be in life, both emotionally and physically. For example, if you have been thinking about getting a new job and you focused...
However, if you would like to just understand whether or not you still have a chance to get your ex back, I recommend taking my quiz which is based on the analysis of thousands of different breakup situations we have encountered. It tells you your chances, takes about 3-4 minutes to do...
You have decided what you do and do not want, what you will and will not stand for, and are making decisions to move forward with or without the resolution you may have hoped for. You are free to stay or go because you have become dedicated to reality at all costs. ReadHOW TO DEAL...
an intention, it's like laying the foundation for what you'd like to have, feel, and experience versus just being a passive participant going through the motions," she explains. "Intentions provide you with the opportunity to actively participate in your life the way you want to live it....
follow more people. Yes, more. Following is how you build your home timeline. Building a great timeline is at the heart of making Twitter work. By building a timeline that reflects you and your interests, you'll see how quickly Twitter becomes an invaluable part of your life. 我们有一个...
Wilfrid Sellars (2012 [1962]) anticipated that in the future of his famous contrast between “the scientific image” and its complement “manifest image,” the latter type of discourse would gradually be supplanted by the former. But that has not been the case: reliance upon normative and pres...
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I hope I do not have to make much of an argument that Red Pill, MGTOW, and such are not in line with Stoic values. Stoicism is inclusive and treats everyone equally (because of its cosmopolitanism), and the virtue of justice (which has to do with how to properly treat other people) ...
- Sonja Lyubomirsky, The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want, 2008 Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality"1. Moving with Attention, Wake Up to Life, Mindful Movements 2. The Learning Switch, Bring in the New, Lifelong learning, Retraining 3. Subtlety, ...