For those pet parents who are looking for the best way to trim a dog’s nails safely while you’re at home, you’re in the right spot. We’ll go over how to restrain a dog to clip its nails, and we’ll give you a few possibilities so you can try them out and see which one ...
Learn the basics for safely trimming your dog's nails at home, including tools you'll need and the technique for making trimming painless and easy.
“Using alick matwithpeanut butteror aspreadable dog treatcan be a great distraction for your dog when trimming their nails,” says Dr. Karwacki. How Short To Trim Dog Nails Before you start clipping, you’ll want to know how short to trim dog nails. This varies from dog to dog, but ...
you can trim the dogs nails either standing or laying down. Laying down would be preferable as there is less chance of the dog twisting, or moving which could cause you to mis
Not looking forward to that first doggy trim? We’ve got you covered with this guide on how to cut dog nails—without unnecessary stress.
nails. dr. karwacki also recommends a place with good lighting so you can really see what you're doing. 4. keep your dog in a natural position one common mistake sexton sees dog parents doing is lifting the leg up out of its normal range of motion. to avoid discomfort and even ...
s nails part of their regular grooming process. Clipped nails are a sign of cleanliness and good dog hygiene. Getting your dog to sit still long enough for you to clip their nails can be quite challenging. It would help if you did what you could to make your dog’s nail clipping ...
Nail trims are essential, but trimming your dog's nails doesn't have to be something you both dread. Learn the best ways to manage doggy pedicures.
If you are planning to trim the nails of a cat who is unlikely to be wholly cooperative, you should always enlist the help of someone else. Even the most agreeable cats can be wriggly and uncooperative, and you will find the process much easier when it’s two vs. one. ...
Learning how to clip a nervous dog’s nails can seem like a cure-all, especially for dogs who already suffer from problems with their back legs, caused by overgrown nails. Having short nails can improve your pup’s overall well-being, and regular trimming can be a great preventative...