The surgeon would knock out the patient with a chloroform-soaked rag, and then quickly apply a tourniquet above the injury site before using a sharp knife to slice through the skin andmuscle. The bones were next sawed through -- earning Civil War surgeons the nickname "Sawbones" -- and the...
Should you travel your way into cold weather, thrift stores are a good place to buy a warm jacket (which can be given way to a needy person or left in a hostel swap-box when you leave). You can also borrow things from other travelers along the way. You don’t want to be obnoxious...
The surgeon would knock out the patient with a chloroform-soaked rag, and then quickly apply a tourniquet above the injury site before using a sharp knife to slice through the skin andmuscle. The bones were next sawed through -- earning Civil War surgeons the nickname "Sawbones" -- and the...