Lily of the Valley can be propagated from seed or rhizomes. Seeds can take months to germinate. So, most people propagate them using rhizomes. Dig up rhizomes of established plants in the Fall and separate them into clumps for re-planting. Pests and Diseases These plants are generally quite ...
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) lily of the valley image by Olena Turovtseva Lily of the valley was introduced to American by European settlers. It has since become naturalized, thriving in shady, damp soils, often in areas where the ground has been disturbed. Two t...
Colors are not just limited to a visual experience, but they also have a psychological effect on your emotions, mood, and behavior. This is the reason why thecolors of indoor plants can play an important rolein your mental wellness because every color has its own psychological impact. If you...
a healthy agave plant will begin to put forth “pups” in the soil around the base of the plant. These pups are tiny new plants that you can separate from the parent plant. Remove agave pups from the
If you’re looking to xeriscape on a budget, use plant cuttings instead of fully-grown plants. You canpropagate succulentsby cutting leaves from the original plant and planting them in your soil. It’ll take a few weeks for the plants to grow, but then you’ll have the lush drought tol...
lily of the valleypoisonous: Mushrooms and toadstools: although most of the toxic species. Like death caps and the red and white fly agaric. Are found in forests and parklands rather than backyards. There are many poisonous species. It’s worth clearing all mushrooms or toadstools from your ...
Plant them immediately in soil that has been amended to be rich and well-draining. Water thoroughly. To propagate by seed, harvest the seeds in the fall and put them in a plastic bag with moist peat moss. Place the bag in the refrigerator for six or eight weeks. The seeds need a ...
How to Propagate Obedient Plant Obedient plant is commonly propagated from seed. If you let it go into seed, you might find seedlings in your garden. If they are from a cultivar, they might not have the same desirable traits as the parents. ...
This greenhouse environment will almost eliminate the necessity of watering the bed again before the seeds germinate. Be sure to keep an eye on it though, Never let the soil mix dry out completely! Place your flat in a warm area where it will get good light but not direct sun. Germination...
chemical sprays, is easy to do, and keeps the soil structure intact. Once the plastic has had time to work and peeled back, you’re left with a clean slate of cleared land that you can begin growing on immediately. It’s an eco-friendly way to clear land without having to use ...