For more information on how to propagate plants, check out my post to learn more. Horseradish pests and diseases: Horseradish isn’t favored by many pests and they rarely have any form of the disease. Here are a few that may harm them and how to treat. Aphids These are insects and symp...
The roots of the horseradish plant contain the enzyme myrosinase and iso-thiocyanate compounds which are sulfuric. When the root is harvested and chopped, the chemicals become volatile from air exposure. The pungent aroma causes the eyes and sinuses of mammals to water excessively from irritation....
20 Plants You Can Propagate From Cuttings. Lavender. Lavender is an easy herb to grow from stem cuttings. ... Geraniums. One of the few flowers that can be regrown from a cutting in the water, the geranium comes in multiple colors. ... Horseradish. ... Hydrangea. ... Sage. ... F...
Stool mounding is a great way to propagate honeyberry plants. I have had a lot of success with that. Reply SB May 23, 2022 at 1:03 pm I have 2 plants that I want to propagate from. I’m trying stool mounding (happy to hear you’ve had success with this method!) and I did ...