In some cases, petunias may become leggy, which means that they grow tall and spindly as opposed to compact and bushy. When this happens, the plants may flop over and stop producing flowers. Petunias may become leggy if they do not receive full sun, which means six to eight hours of s...
Harvest more seeds than you need; calibrachoa arehybrids, so some seeds may not sprout. In addition, the seeds are unlikely to grow true to the parent plant, instead resembling one of the parent plants. Calibrachoa bloom fromJuneuntilfrost, so you can harvest seeds through the growing season....
How to Propagate Moonflower As the life of the beautiful white blooms comes to an end, thorny pods begin to develop. Initially, the thorns are soft, but as they age and expand, they become hard and sharp. Wait until the seed pods dry on the plant. Then, break them open and collect ...
Top Plants for Seaside Gardens, Coastal Plants & Salty Soil Where to Plant Lantana The planting location should receive full sun and have well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Plant lantana in any sun-baked spot in your yard where you want a splash of color—in front of a wall, around rock...
Wasabi plants are not heavy feeders and seldom require fertilizer if planted in rich, organic soil. However, older plants or those in sandier soil may benefit from feeding in mid-spring and midsummer to improve their growth. Side-dress the plants with a 3-inch layer of well-rotted green man...