Step-by-step guide for how to propagate lavender using cuttings from existing plants. This economical method helps you create dozens of plants for free! It’s especially useful for getting enough plants for lavender hedges or to start a small lavender farm. You begin by taking cuttings from a...
The Rosa Rugosa is a woody shrub from the Rosaceae family that reaches a height and width of 6 feet. The shrub is native to areas in China, Korea and Japan and is hardy to plant in USDA growing zones 2 through 8. Propagate the Rosa Rugosa by collecting softwood cuttings in late spring...
Unearth the sunken branch, being careful to preserve the roots. Transplant to your desired location. Be patient and your shrub will fill in over the years. How to Propagate Lilacs from Cutting Cuttings are usually made in the morning from young lilac bushes. Just as it sounds, propagating lil...
Rose cuttings can be rooted in water, too. To do this, in late spring select a healthy stem from the current year's growth and cut a 15cm section just below a bud. Remove all the leaves leaving just the top two. How do you propagate plants from cuttings? Let's get started Identify...
The lovely snowball bush (viburnum) is an asset to any sunny landscape with its lush foliage and beautifully white, round blossoms. When you successfully tend a snowball bush, you may naturally desire to propagate new bushes to spread this beauty around
Propagate in the spring, before plants begin to bloom. Rosemary is an easygoing plant to grow and replicate. If you have propagated lavender, sage, or another herbaceous perennial, then this process will be familiar. The best time to take cuttings is in the spring before the plant starts flo...
Today I am sharing about lilac bushes and what you need to know so you can grow Lilacs successfully too. In other posts I have shared how toPropagate Lilacs from SuckersandRooting Lilacs from cuttings.Which might come in handy if you want to start your own that way. ...
There are several reasons why you may want to propagate azaleas. Vegetatively propagating azaleas (e.g., stem cuttings, layering, division) will ensure that the offspring will have the same characteristics as the original plant. Therefore, if you like the plant you have, you can increase you...
Grow More Roses For Free: Propagate Roses From Cuttings As long as the breed isn’t patented and you have sharp shears, it’s easier than you think to propagate roses from cuttings. Here’s how to rejuvenate your precious rose bushes ...
How to Propagate a Potato Bush 1. Water the Shrub Water the shrub the evening before taking any cuttings. 2. Prepare a Pot Fill a 6-inch pot with well-draining potting mix. Three or four cuttings can be put into each pot. If you will have more cuttings than that, fill as many pots...