How to Care for a Banana Plant in the WinterContainer grown bananas: During the winter, gardeners can move the container inside as a house plant. Bananas will grow fairly slowly indoors so care should be taken to provide plenty of light and humidity, and not to over water. Avoid exposing ...
No plant makes propagation easier. In fact, the banana plant will do it for you because each of the suckers that breaks ground around the base of a mother plant has the potential to grow into an individual banana plant all on its own. If you want to have a banana plant in a place w...
but this isn't necessary. Snap off the dead bloom to tidy up the plant and to keep the bulbs from putting energy into forming seedpods. Do not remove, braid or otherwise confine the foliage. Anything that deprives the bulb of foliage, or prevents the foliage...
You can easily plant seeds in a cup, as opposed to buying traditional starter pots. This can save you some money and is a simple way to recycle old cups you may have lying around. Seeds can germinate and grow in just about anything, so long as they get enough nutrients, warmth, light...
Strawberries are easy to grow but they do require some attention to ensure a bountiful crop. Choose cultivars that grow well in your region. Give each plant a square foot of space. Keep the soil just moist. Keep runners under control (and use them to start new plants). Protect plants fro...
To propagate, cut off and plant offsets (“babies”) that sprout around the base. Non-toxic to pets, but are ornamental; should not be ingested. What is a ponytail palm? So let’s talk more about ponytail palms. Much likeelephant ear plantsandbanana plants, ponytail palms are beautiful ...
Banana Croton– Reaching three to four feet tall at maturity, the striking banana croton cultivar is commonly grown indoors as a houseplant. Bright green lance-shaped leaves are highlighted by splotches of banana yellow. Bush on Fire Croton– This stunning three to five foot variety has dark gr...
Proper storage is the key to avoid this from happening. The potting mixture and type of sowing must consist of farmyard manure, sand, and soil in identical magnitude to propagate the cocoa seedlings. Remember that the best time to sow seeds in the nursery is during the month of December to...
aTaiwan island is the largest island of the Republic of China which is located in the western Pacific Ocean.Taiwan has 23 million population and it is well-known for its IT Tech.,tea,banana on earth.If you ever been to Taiwan,you will think that "Taiwan will touch your heart" because ...
If grown from seed, pawpaws will begin to flower and fruit in six to eight years, or when the tree reaches roughly six feet in height. But the quickest route to pawpaw fruit is through grafting. This is also the only successful way to clonally propagate specific varieties of pawpaw. Knowi...