Meet the Schefflera The Schefflera arboricola makes a superb houseplant and is grown for the appealing patterns formed by its leaves as well as its interesting growth pattern. The shiny, forest-green leaflets grow in an umbrella spoke pattern on the top of a tall stem. As the plants...
The roots rot as a result and as the root system ceases to function the leaves yellow, new growth blackens, leaf spots become more frequent and eventually the entire plant dies. If when the plant is watered all free water drains away, if the soil is kept moist but not sopping wet, an...
How to Propagate Lucky Bamboo Lucky bamboo is a popular houseplant that people love to give as a housewarming gift. Despite the name, lucky bamboo isn't really bamboo, and is instead a species of Dracaena. The easiest and fastest way to propagate new... ...