These tiny plants, or offsets, are the offspring of maturesucculent plants. They’re essentially little replicas of the parent plant, and you often find them growing at the base of the plant or along the stems. These little additions to your garden inherit the same characteristics that makes ...
Aeoniums,on the other hand, only work with cuttings, which means you can't propagate them with just a leaf. In other words, every variety of succulent is different–so if you're not sure what will work, experiment (like I did) and see what happens! For a start,click hereto take a ...
The money tree, or Pachira aquatica, is native to swampy areas of Central and South America. If you saw it there, you probably wouldn’t recognize it. While potted money trees can only grow a max of about 3 to 6 feet indoors, wild money trees can grow up to 60 feet tall. And that...
You’ll find out about how to propagate by using seeds, growing some of these plants from cuttings and much more hard won information. I’ve made all the mistakes possible in my gardening; you don’t have to.Get tips here on how to save dying cactus –if you’ve got a plant that’...
An entirely new plant can grow from a single leaf or stem. There are two easy ways to propagate Jade plants:stem cuttings and leaf cuttings. But which one is better? That depends on the plant you’re starting with, as well as your patience level. ...
Sedums can be grown from seed, but it is cheaper, quicker and easier to propagate them from existing plants. Divide border Sedums in the spring. Dig the plant up, and use a sharp knife to separate it into clumps. This can be done every 3-4 years, giving you a steady source of new...
Here’s how to keep indoor plants alive. Find out how to care for houseplants like cacti and succulents, with advice from the gardening experts.
Jade plants are succulent houseplants, which makes them fairly resilient. Plus, they’re capable of living a long, long time with proper care. See how to care for your jade plant as well as how to easily propagate a jade plant from a spare leaf. ...
Plant agapanthus 12 to 18 inches apart. Dig a shallow trench that’s roughly two inches deep and set rhizomes in the soil with their eyes or green shoots directed upward. Cover loosely with soil so that the top quarter of the rhizomes are slightly exposed. ...
Not only is a Pothos plant easy to maintain but it’s also a snap to propagate. Those long trails appear in no time and you’ll see little roots pushing out at every leaf node. I root my Pothos cuttings in water (Pothos propagation and video coming soon!) and plant them in the soil...