is a crowdsourced audio pronunciation website that helps you learn how to say words, names and phrases contributed by native speakers.
to try safari. unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording recording click the record button again to finish recording play stop record again contribute add use you can contribute this audio pronunciation of years to howtopronounce dictionary. contribute have you finished your recording...
Before we get started, I want to say a huge welcome to my newest subscribers I'm looking forward to taking you on an English language journey.If you haven't subscribed to my channel yet, then you can do it just by hitting that red subscribe button right there.在我们开始之前,我想先热烈...
“嗨,Jen,你好啊。”先从‘J’的音开始,然后是‘red’里‘E’的发音,再然后就把你的舌尖翘起来发‘N’的音——‘JEN’。Then it's the word 'yow'. That's the middle syllable, but it sounds like the word 'you'.接下来是‘yow’。这就是中间的那个音节,听起来就像是‘you’。JEN-yuw-yuw...
本文作者:译者 杨扬(北京大学外国语学院翻译硕士,译有《遗忘爱达荷》等。) 一本拒绝译者“炫技”的书 说实话,第一次拿到《我不知道这该怎么念》(How to pronounce knife)这本小说的书稿时,我有些无所适从。它似乎在用一种没有风格、没有辞藻、“没有面孔”的口语讲述... (展开) ...
Looking for pronunciation of words? Phonetic translators on our site show you how to pronounce words correctly! Check out our pronunciation courses and tools! is a crowdsourced website offering a pronunciation guide for names of people and places, allowing users to find, share, and request pronunciations.
And I'm quite curious to note if these are the same kinds of mistakes that you make as well.So we'll focus on words with double vowels and how to pronounce them correctly.所以我们会侧重于有双元音的单词,以及如何正确地发音。让我们从这个开始吧。Let's start with this one here.Do you ...
In this video, we're going to look at how to pronounce contractions.在这段视频中,我们将学习缩写如何发音。One or two of my viewers asked me to do this and I've been planning on doing it for quite a while, so here it is.我的一两个观众让我这么做,我也已经计划了很长一段时间了,...
How to say Tong Nian Yu in English? Pronunciation of Tong Nian Yu with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Tong Nian Yu.