Looking for pronunciation of words? Phonetic translators on our site show you how to pronounce words correctly! Check out our pronunciation courses and tools!
Common sounds that require you to block air with the lip and teeth are the /f/ and /v/ sounds.常见的要求你用嘴唇和牙齿来阻滞气流的音有 /f/ 和 /v/。/f/, /v/. These sounds may be difficult for you, but they are well worth practicing./f/,/v/。这些音可能对你来说有些难,但是...
It’s only polite to make sure you can pronounce a person’s name right. Plus, pronunciation is one of the weakest points for me. I’m always working on improving it in my own memory improvement journey – largely due to being 80% deaf in my left ear. Even though it can be a bit...
Look for a short, sweet and easy-to-pronounce name to help people easily recognize and remember your business. Try to have it reflect your brand personality, core values or product. If we go back to our delivery service example, this business can pick a name to highlight either its speed...
How to say Hans in English? Pronunciation of Hans with 7 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 7 translations, 17 sentences and more for Hans.
1. I was trying to learn Korean and this app wouldn’t let me hear how to pronounce the word correctly. 2. When ever I tried to change the voice it would go back to the same voice. 3. You can hardly understand the male voice in this app so you can’t really hear the letters ...
Look for a short, sweet and easy-to-pronounce name to help people easily recognize and remember your business. Try to have it reflect your brand personality, core values or product. If we go back to our delivery service example, this business can pick a name to highlight either its speed...
Make it easy to spell and pronounce. Decide on a name you enjoy saying out loud. Make sure it’s not taken by another brand. A lot of podcast platforms include a “hook” or short description along with the podcast name. However, don’t get too hung up on this. Make sure t...
How to say ticket in English? Pronunciation of ticket with 4 audio pronunciations, 33 synonyms, 12 meanings, 38 sentences and more for ticket.
are not always spelt as they are pronounced, causing problems. In my country – Scotland – people pronounce “definitely” as “deffo-nate-ly.” As such, many people think that this word is spelled “definately.” When you understand this, you are in a better position to avoid the ...