:to pay attention. transitive verb. : to give consideration or attention to : mind heed what he says heed the call. heed. noun. How to Pronounce contravener - American English 19 related questions found What's another word for take heed?
3 How to pronounce/say the abbreviation 'i.e.'? 4 How would you pronounce N.B. (nota bene) when reading aloud? 0 How is "viz." pronounced? 1 What mean by I.e. and e.g? Related 26 Differences between e.g., viz. and i.e 28 Why "e.g." and not "f.e."? Why "i....
When Sun enters Hasta, it is time to rain in Bihar; this is popularly called‘Hathiya’rain. By this time rain withdraws from rest of North India. When Sun enters Chitra, it causes occasional rains, South West rains have also withdrawn by this time. Monsoon season is from Rahu nakshatra...