- Flexible ureteroscopy has become one of the most surgical techniques used in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of diseases of the upper urinary tract surgical. However, flexible ureteroscopes (f-URS) remain fragile instruments that must be handled with care. The objective of this article...
The effectiveness of 4.5F ultrathin semirigid ureteroscope in the management of ureteral stones in prepubertal children: is there a need for any ureteral dilatation?###Improved durability of flex-Xc digital flexible ureteroscope: how long can you expect it to last?###Early hospital admission an...
145 - How can we protect flexible ureteroscope: Tips and tricks.doi:10.1016/S1569-9056(17)32101-2URETEROSCOPYEQUIPMENT & suppliesKIDNEY stonesIordacheV.GeavleteB.MultescuR.P.A.StanM.European Urology Supplements
single use ureteroscopesflexible ureteroscopyFlexible ureteroscopy has become an important tool in the urologist's armamentarium. Until recently, reusable ureteroscopes were the only tools available to perform ureteroscopy. However, in recent years, single-use flexible and semirigid ureteroscopes have...
Improved du- rability of flex- Xc digital flexible ureteroscope: how long can you expect it to last? Urology 2014;84:32-5.Multescu R, Geavlete B, Georgescu D, et al. Improved durability of flex-Xc digital flexible ureteroscope: how long can you expect it to last? Urology, 2014; ...
During the last few years, single-use flexible ureteroscopes (su-fURSs) have been developed to improve the limitations of reusable fURSs, namely their cost, durability and risk of device contamination. Since the introduction of the first fully disposable digital fURS, several su-fURSs have ...