When learning Chinese Pinyin, there are some syllables that are easy to mispronounce. For example, when you see the final -un, how to pronounce it? Those who are familiar with Chinese Pinyin will think of two possibilities: if ...
“I want to learn Chinese but just give me the basics!” That’s what this Chinese pronunciationguideis all about. It’s all that you need to know about the pinyin system of Chinese pronunciation to get by. The 80% that’s important. (Spend 20% of time to learn the 80% that’s i...
How do you pronounce the word “ghoti?” Exactly the same way as you pronounce the word “fish.” The “gh” makes an “eff” sound, the same as in “rough.” The “o” makes an “ih” sound, the same as in “women.” And the “ti” makes a “sh” sound, the same as in...