Have a better pronunciation ? Upload it here to share it with the entire community. Simply select a language and press on the speaker button to listen to the pronunciation of the word. Leave a vote for your preferred pronunciation. Log in to Pronouncekiwi...
Turkish Pronunciation Turkish Pronunciation Welsh Pronunciation Ukrainian Pronunciation Have a better pronunciation ? Upload it here to share it with the entire community. Simply select a language and press on the speaker button to listen to the pronunciation of the word. Leave a vote for your prefer...
Turkish 1 Filter Not satisfied? Request a new pronunciation Is there anything wrong with this word/phrase?How to pronounce eksi Listened to: 320 times eksi pronunciation in Turkish [tr] eksi pronunciation Pronunciation by ninjacell (Female from Austria) Follow 1 votes Good Bad Add to fav...
to try safari. unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording recording click the record button again to finish recording play stop record again contribute add use you can contribute this audio pronunciation of that to howtopronounce dictionary. contribute have you finished your recording...
To which we have considered interesting add two more groups: 5)The jargon of the gay community, which often is extremely brutal and other rather funny. 6)The jargon of male prisons, that somehow shows the sexual plasticity of men.
Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Video Player is loading. Now Playing Micro-Learning Apps: A Fun and Efficient Way to Learn French Share Watch on Can you pronounce this word better ...
With (How to) Pronounce, you can easily check the pronunciation of a word or phrase and memorize it. You can also check how a native speaker of the language you are learning could say a word in your language. A must-have for all language users but particularly for: ...
By listening early and often, learners will begin to train their ears to these new sounds and sound patterns even before understanding meaning.This is especially important for Turkish with its use of vowel harmony. You cannot pronounce it correctly if you cannot hear it and you will not be ...
To keep things simple, all you need to say is Suki desu for “I like it” when you want to tell someone you’re fond of something. >> Curious about how to pronounce all of these adjectives? Master your Japanese pronunciation here! How to conjugate i-adjectives in Japanese Like verbs, ...
To pronounce the ö-sound, say “ay” as in day (or as in the German word See). While continuing to make this sound, tightly round your lips. Look in a mirror to make sure your lips are actually rounded. Voilà! How do you pronounce Widemouth? It's 'Pole-ZETH', not 'Pol-ZE...