Adding the correct phrase at the end of a name, like Tanaka-san in Japan, can be the first step to making new friends. Please review the translations of the culturally appropriate greetings and key phrases for your destination country below. The brief notes include how to pronounce the 4 ...
Well, Ronnie, could you teach us (not native speakers) how to pronounce different words with /æ/ and /e/ sounds, please? You know, we don’t have those sounds in Russian, so I just don’t see any difference between them. I pronounce “sad” and “said”, “had” and “head”...
PH: Pronounce PH as F (not P) F: Put your top front teeth onto your bottom lip and blow gently. Your lips should be more or less closed. To test whether you are making this sound properly, place your hand approximately 12 cm from your mouth. If you can feel a good flow of cool...
Love to learn vocabulary.However, when it comes to speak, I found very hard to use t and pronounce it! jazzcafe Thank you Adam.. Ghulam Amar I highly appreciate you Adam! Looking forward for more of your video’s. Krishna13 Cool man :) smiranti34 thanks mohaa2025 HI, IT IS...
I went to Tunisia some time ago. (Exact time unknown) I have just finished my homework. (Recent, but time unknown) I finished my homework a short while ago (Recent, but exact time unknown) English is such a rich and versatilelanguage,it is possible to say what you want to say in mo...
them,pronounce,improve,way,keep,actual,comfortable,learn,whether,boring Englishisveryimportantforus.HerearetwotipsoflearningEnglish. ReadanEnglishbook,newspaperormagazine. Readingisanecessarypartof26anewlanguage,sodon’tforgettopractice!Findsomethingyouarereallyinterestedin—27that’safamousEnglishnovel,TheNewYor...