The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the name, they're less likely to say it for fear of sounding ignorant. You can test this attribute objectively. Show 10 people the name of your...
The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the name, they're less likely to say it for fear of sounding ignorant. You can test this attribute objectively. Show 10 people the name of your...
You should choose a company name that's easy to say. There are two parts to this test:Can people pronounce it correctly? The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the name, they're ...
Easy to say You should choose a company name that's easy to say. There are two parts to this test: Can people pronounce it correctly? The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the nam...
Easy to say You should choose a company name that's easy to say. There are two parts to this test: Can people pronounce it correctly? The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the nam...
Easy to say You should choose a company name that's easy to say. There are two parts to this test: Can people pronounce it correctly? The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the nam...
Easy to say You should choose a company name that's easy to say. There are two parts to this test: Can people pronounce it correctly? The correct pronunciation of your company name should be obvious. You want people to talk about your company. If they're unsure how to pronounce the nam...