Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. x x Learn how to pronounce words and names Share Watch on Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ? Phonetic spelling of Togzhan To-...
Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ? Phonetic spelling of Yao Guai yao guai Add phonetic spelling Meanings for Yao Guai Yao Guai is...
Ithelpsyouwithrealizinghowmuchthetonguemoveswhenwepronouncedifferentsounds.它可以帮助你了解当我们发不同音时舌头的移动情况。Sowehave "sink", "sunk", "sank".我们这里的例子是 sink,sunk,sank。Youjustneedtotrainyourmouthtogetthetongueinthecorrectpositioneverytimeandthenyou'relaughing. It'seasy.你只需要...
S3:youneedtokeepadiary. T:youcanreportittotheclasslikethis: LiLei ’ sdifficultyisthathedoesn ’ tknowhowtopronouncewell,andwangjun’ssuggestionis… Name Difficulty Suggestion 2.Homework:writeashortpassageaboutdifficultiesinEng lishstudy. Teachingreflections: SectionB Ⅰ.Teachingaimsandde...
Let'ssayyoudon'thavethe 'th' soundinyournativetongue, soyouneedtogetusedtostickingyourtongueoutwhenyoupronouncethe 'th'.比方说,你的母语中没有“th”这个音,所以你需要习惯在发“th”这个音的时候伸出舌头。However, Iseealotofmystudents, becausethey'renotusedtothe 'th', they'recompensatingforthis...
He coughed day and night, so he decided to go and get some medicine for his cough. As he did not know much English, he took out his dictionary and looked up the word "cough". But the dictionary did not tell him how to pronounce(发音) the word. He thought it over and remembered ...
T:Verygood!Now,answermyquestion“Doyouknowhowtohelpthem?” S2:TheycantakepartintheEnglishcorner. S3:Theycancopynewwordsinanotebook. S4:Theycankeepadiary. S5:Theycanbuyagrammarbook. S6:… S7:Iforgetnewwordseasily. S8:youcancopynewwordsinanotebookandtakeitwithyou. S7:Ican’tpronouncewell. S8:...
Verygood!Now,answermyquestion“Doyouknowhowtohelpthem?” S2:TheycantakepartintheEnglishcorner. S3:Theycancopynewwordsinanotebook. S4:Theycankeepadiary. S5:Theycanbuyagrammarbook. S6:… S7:Iforgetnewwordseasily. S8:youcancopynewwordsinanotebookandtakeitwithyou. S7:Ican’tpronouncewell. S8:you...
点击 进入习题 6 7 8 9 10 togo tocheck sentences spelling 21 22 23 24 25 能力提升练 答案呈现 B D C A F 16 17 18 19 20 madeamistake practisesplaying asmuchaspossible tospell; pronounce; aloud lookup; dictionary 基础巩固练 26 27 28 29 30 能力提升练 答案呈现 D D A B D 36 37 38...