I’ve been trying hard to pronounce the words correctly, but….I have this gimmick of recording myself speaking and sometimes I think:” That’s not me speaking. It sounds awful!!!” So, I go on training my speaking as much as possible. I thank you a lot, Adam. Sonia1234 Adam...
Between new users, and long-time iPhone owners just getting into Siri, there are a lot of people trying out Apple's voice recognition technology every day — and getting upset that it's not exactly like a Star Trek computer. Siri does need training to be as g...
can you explain how to pronounce can and can’t. thank you. bfiguereo Many thanks. a couple of new words along with some ideas on how to get graph description started are going to be useful. And I would really like to make a small contribution to this lesson: I’ve heard some words...
My last wish is for myself. My name is Harshavardhan Ganesan. I am a diehard Nets fan, and the one thing I want for myself is to hear Ian Eagle or Sarah Kustok or Ryan Ruocco (OR RJ!) pronounce my name on the YES Network after a portion of Wear Brooklyn At? Aft...