Add to favorites Download MP3 Report Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent?Pronounce the in Vietnamese Share the pronunciation of the in Vietnamese: Facebook Twitter Email the pronunciation inScots[sco] the pronunciation ...
How to say Vuong in English? Pronunciation of Vuong with 4 audio pronunciations, 2 meanings, 4 translations, 3 sentences and more for Vuong.
Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ? Phonetic spelling of sage seyj Sey-JH Add phonetic spelling Meanings for sage a mentor in ...
Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent? Pronounce sang in Vietnamese Share the pronunciation of sang in Vietnamese: sang pronunciation in Franco-Provençal [frp] sang pronunciation Pronunciation by SilvanoTangi (Male from Italy) Follow 0 votes Good Bad Add to favorites...
Adding the correct phrase at the end of a name, like Tanaka-san in Japan, can be the first step to making new friends. Please review the translations of the culturally appropriate greetings and key phrases for your destination country below. The brief notes include how to pronounce the 4 ...
An English-Southern Vietnamese dictionary will soon open here. You will also find a Pronunciation Guide where you can learn how to pronounce Southern Vietnamese. Also explaining the phonetic symbols, tones and stress, including how to pronounce a word wh
Learn how to pronounce the letters of the English alphabet -- essential for telling people your email address, and sometimes even your name. If you learned English in a school, this might have been one of your first classes, but people who have learned b
If you listen to how to pronounce cacaoin other languages, it inevitably sounds similar to the basic "kah-kow." But within the pronunciation you may be given a clue as to whether the word was added to their language via English or Spanish. ...
When you hear someone speaking Vietnamese, you would think that it is indeed tough to learn. With its unique tones and more than enough different vowel sounds, it would be challenging to pronounce their language. Pronouncing Vietnamese words is the only tricky thing about learning the language...
Saying “please” the right way and at the right time will open many doors in your path. To pronounce it in Japanese, you simply say: お願いします。 6. ありがとうございます。 = Thank you. Mothers are the best thing that ever happened to us. Not only did they raise us, but ...