P105105. How to Pronounce TH Properly in English 06:07 P106106. What is the Difference Between May and Might 05:42 P107107. How to Pronounce WORLD - English Lesson 06:18 P108108. How To Greet People Like A Native English Speaker 03:26 P109109. Appropriate or Inappropriate Humor in Ame...
186. FASCISM _ How To Pronounce _ British English Pronunciation是【外教课•英国】美女Anna老师教英语•习语♢真实场景对话♢词汇♢问答♢面试♢语法|托福○雅思○GRE|441集•English Like A Native的第181集视频,该合集共计435集,视频收藏或关注UP主
969 How to by:Alex625 2070 How To by:Lucy老师爱分享 95 How To by:One5640856095 515 How to Speak How to Liste by:Megan_Bi 572 How Thoughtful-QuESt by:嘻哈有态度 2485 How to fight by:糖喵喵的小叮当 1.4万 How Do Dinosaur by:岗辙 8万 How to American by:上善若水dyli 2076 How Bio...
Similarly, "create" ends in an E, but the final sound is a /t/.同样,“create”以 E 结尾,但最后的音是 /t/。The rule here is very simple.这里的规则很简单。If you add an -ed or a -d to these words, you pronounce the final syllable as /ɪd/.如果你在这些单词后面加上“-ed...
How to pronounce How to pronounce three Listened to:3.6Mtimes in: cardinal Number arithmetic counting hello three pronunciation inEnglish[en] Phonetic spelling:θriː Accent:British three pronunciation Pronunciation byTopQuark(Male from United Kingdom)...
British English might have a slightly different "R" sound, but the general principle remains the same. The "E" sound is pretty straightforward. It's the same "E" as in "bed" or "ten." Again, clarity is key. Don't mumble it or let it get lost in the othe...
How to pronounce mate in English. The definition of mate is: the officer below the master on a commercial...
NextquestionwasaboutanywordswhichBritishpeoplemightpronouncewrongsometimes, likemistakesthatwemakeinourpronunciation.下一个问题是关于英国人有时可能发音错误的单词,比如我们在发音中犯的错误。Andonewhichimmediatelycametomymindwasthissituationwherelotsofpeoplepronounce "genuinely" as "generally" whenthey'retalking....
Learn how to pronounce the letters of the English alphabet -- essential for telling people your email address, and sometimes even your name. If you learned English in a school, this might have been one of your first classes, but people who have learned b
Hello, everybody. This is Elliott from ETJ English that's "Elliott" with two Ts, by the way. Recently, a few days ago, I posted a video on my Instagram and I asked my students "please tell me some words that you find really difficult to pronounce in British English".大家好。我是...