和友邻讨论关于拉丁语发音的问题,联想到自己最近唱了Faure的安魂曲,也读了一些相关的材料,有感而发,先简短写写。 本日记的标题纯属噱头,没有标准答案。 作者本人其实想说的是How to pronounce Latin CORRECTLY when you are singing. --- 学习拉丁语读音的时候,经常会看到这样一个叫法——“教会拉丁语发音”,在...
I can't say all my game names are on point, but generally I try to make them as indicative of the game feel as possible, while also being easy to understand (preferably in more than one language), easy to pronounce and fun to design as a logo. I'd still say yo...