Bible Pronunciation: A PhD provides audio bible snippets for how to pronounce, and how do you pronounce, and how do I pronouce biblical names. biblical words correctly.
How to pronounce “friend” in Korean Now that you know how to spell “friend” in Korean, let’s now listen to its correct pronunciation. The audio below can teach you how: 친구 (chingu) This video will also show you how to pronounce “friend” in Korean and use it in different...
S3:youneedtokeepadiary. T:youcanreportittotheclasslikethis: LiLei ’ sdifficultyisthathedoesn ’ tknowhowtopronouncewell,andwangjun’ssuggestionis… Name Difficulty Suggestion 2.Homework:writeashortpassageaboutdifficultiesinEng lishstudy. Teachingreflections: SectionB Ⅰ.Teachingaimsandde...
I came from the Philippines…I just got here in America two months ago….and when I speak English here they can’t understand the way I pronounce the words….anyway Best wishes to you ,you did a great job…Thanks Ms Rebicca ernita Very helpful tips…thanks Rebecca JasJose Dear Ms ...
If you pronounce these words wrong, and someone points it out to you, it could be embarrassing, so try to learn the correct pronunciation! It doesn't matter too much if you do make a mistake, and most people will be sympathetic about it, but it is common courtesy to try. In Europe,...
howard university spe howardlindas howardschulz howconvenient howdoyoupronouncethew however by comparison however fraudulent however good or bad a however great the wil however hard i tried however hard itll be however in the crowd however long that tak however more business however really good howe...
S7:Ican’tpronounceell. S8:youcanoftenlistentothetape. S7:Ianotgoodatgraar. S8:youcanbuyagraarboo. S7:Ianotgoodatritingpositions. S8:youcaneepadiaryinEnglish. T:IfIcan’thearyouclearly,hatshouldIsay? S9:canyouspeaoresloly,please? S10:Sorry,Ican’tfolloyou. T:yes.ecanalsosay“Ibegyourpard...