术语:Freethem.K;发音:free-thum-KAY(do not pronounce the dot) 术语:FUD;发音:fud 术语:gibibyte;发音:GIH-bee-bite 术语:GIF;发音:giff(with a hard "g" as in goat) or jiff(as int the peanut butter) 术语:GNOME;发音:GUH-nome (参见官方解释:http://zenii.linux.org.uk/~telsa/GDP/gnome-...
术语:router;发音:rowt-ter(US) or toot-ter(UK) 术语:SAML;发音:sah-muhl 术语:SAP;发音:ess-ay-pee 术语:SAPScript;发音:sap-script 术语:schema;发音:SKI-muh 术语:SFA;发音:ess-eff-ay 术语:Siebel;发音:SEE bull 术语:Sophos;发音:So-fohs 术语:SQL;发音:ess-q-el or SEE-kwehl(both are us...
In pronouncing an abbreviation or reading it aloud, the pronouncer may want to convert the abbreviation into the long form for the understanding of a listener (for example, reading "wireless LAN" for "WLAN").
In pronouncing an abbreviation or reading it aloud, the pronouncer may want to convert the abbreviation into the long form for the understanding of a listener (for example, reading "wireless LAN" for "WLAN").
In pronouncing an abbreviation or reading it aloud, the pronouncer may want to convert the abbreviation into the long form for the understanding of a listener (for example, reading "wireless LAN" for "WLAN").