Pamela Ann Ludwig
P220220. How to Pronounce English Words Starting with U 03:51 P221221. Compound Adjectives in English 07:04 P222222. English Expressions with CATCH, HOLD, and KEEP 05:06 P223223. English Vocabulary Words - Sports Equipment 03:04 P224224. English Phrasal Verbs from My Everyday Life 03:25...
Just think that there are some people who can’t speak at all – never mind not being able to pronounce certain letters! They still manage to communicate with people! It seems that the way technology has progressed, we rarely talk to people now = type/message/text. In addition, there ...
. Regular French Verbs ending in -ER and -IR 30:07 P53. Irregular French Verbs ending in -OIR and -OIRE 26:22 P59. How to Pronounce the Letter R in French 19:02 P540. All Phrases You Need for Daily Conversations in French 28:37 P541. How to Learn French FAST with the ...
Learn the simple rules forSpanish accent marksand what they stress (which sounds are emphasized in a word). Depending on how you pronounce a word, it may have a different meaning. For example,mendigo(accent on the second to the last syllable) means “beggar,” butméndigo(accent on the se...
German present tense is an important topic for beginners who are learning to construct basic German sentences. Here we'll teach you how to conjugate German verbs of all types including regular, irregular and modal. Once you recognize the patterns (and me
the iterating of these lines brings gold; the framing of this circle on the ground brings whirlwinds, tempests, thunder and lightning; pronounce this thrice devoutly to thyself, and men in armour shall appear to thee, ready to execute what thou desir’st. faust.: thanks, mephistophilis; ...
(as it is more difficult to pronounce “s” after a voiced sound and “z” after an unvoiced sound), misunderstandings due to getting it wrong or mishearing it are extremely unlikely, and it is easily corrected as you go along. If students do need an explanation, it is simply that the...
When you learn a new word, look in the dictionary how to pronounce it. Adam Hello Mr. First of all i want to make it clear that im really amazed by your works there and really glad . God -willing i can use this chance and be exactly like a native speaker or more :d I want to...
Imagine how you’d feel if someone asked you, in your native language, how to pronounce something. Would you be angry? No! You’d probably be happy to help, just like most English speakers are happy to help you. If you know any English speakers, whether it’s a friend or co-worker...