Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. anxietygaietynicety pietysocietyvariety Need help? Now that you’ve mastered how to pronounce words that end in-ity and-ety, try some other suffixes! To learn more about patterns of syllable stress and vowel sounds in words that share ...
Why rarity should prove a valid metric for dismissing the first-person plural and second-person singular is not examined, but Wood never mentions either again (thereby dismissing much work byMarguerite DurasandDonald Barthelme, to cite only two prominent examples). Nor does Wood pause to ...
The choice of androgynous or sex/gender-neutral forenames, which might serve to disrupt the gender order, remain a rarity (Herbert and Aylene 2014; Lieberson et al. 2000). Evidence discussed earlier showed that gendered forenames are important in the process of doing difference in the context ...