Listen to how native speakers pronounce words and phrases, and have a go at mimicking their accent, intonation and rhythm. This can help you sound more natural and fluent when speaking French. If you don’t know any native speakers, get an online tutor or language partner pronto. I recommen...
"No sir, it's Meinerz ... like coal miners," he politely explains before going on the air. A lot of people still don't know how to pronounce his name, he says, but thanks to six whirlwind days at the Senior Bowl, a lot of people have learned to pronounce his name just fine....
Choosing the right business name for your hay farm is crucial. It should be catchy, relevant to your industry, easy to pronounce, and memorable. Since business names are relatively permanent, take your time in the selection process. Also, consider securing a matching domain name for your online...
‘I have a 13-year-old and I want to leave them alone for a half an hour between when I have to go to work and when they have to go to school.’ It is very extreme the way the law is written right
It's tempting to pronounce this popular Vietnamese dish of noodles served in broth as "FOE." But it's actually "fuh," kind of like saying fur without the r, almost exactly like the French word for fire, "feu." Indeed, some say this dish was influenced by French and Chin...
Welcome to WordBowl! How it works: Folks like you send word suggestions (look below for link, or submit to I draw one at random and have my essayish-or-fictional way with it (handwriting in bars & coffee shops all over NYC). Let the
A good rule of thumb is the more ingredients a food has, the less clean it is, so it’s essential to read labels. If there are more than a few ingredients or some that you can’t pronounce, then it’s not clean. Clean eating benefits ...
As with all food, by making your own salad dressings, you are in control of the flavor balance—acidity, sweetness, and seasoning—as well as what goes into it, so you can avoid those unwanted things like unpronounceable preservatives, scary oils, thickeners, sugars, etc. Making your own...
I was today-years-old when I learned how to pronounce the name of this famous North End street. Pronounced, "rez-uh-gew," the street is named after a married couple from Salt Lake who were the original land owners of Boise's North End neighborhood. ...
That’s the way we used to do it when I was little (shortly after electricity was invented and before microwaves began invading people’s kitchens). It’s the best way to pop perfect popcorn, all kernels popped and none of those ingredients that you can’t pronounce on the side of the...