how do i write and pronounce my name in korean?? my name is Caibre, last name is Martin im a female and my name is pronounced as kay-bree Ryann Wednesday at 06:40 PM Hi, im new to learning korean and i wanted to see how i should introduce myself! My name is Ryann McDonald!
please reply thank you mcrahim2000 Yes, if you say I was brought up in a city that means you went to elementary and or high school there. Most Canadians move to another city if they go to university or college. Ronnie megusta como ensenas el ingles gracias ronny jesse De nada. Ronnie...
can you explain how to pronounce can and can’t. thank you. bfiguereo Many thanks. a couple of new words along with some ideas on how to get graph description started are going to be useful. And I would really like to make a small contribution to this lesson: I’ve heard some words...
My most colourful memory from those years were the highly ludicrous superstitions my father and I adopted. I think the Nets had a small 3-4 game losing streak when my father and I came to a decision. Much to the chagrin of my mother, we decided we would watch the same ga...
The name needs to fit the character and be memorable for the reader. Thinking about the character’s age, location, and family, as well as the name meaning can help in the selection process. Picking a memorable name that will be easy for the reader to pronounce will help ensure you have...
Hello, please make a lesson and teach how pronounce America’s and Canada’s states. And also famous places. :) Anahita I’ll see what I can do Anahita :) Adam 9/9 If they ask me for where I go, I would say “I’m in transit, I’m going to Whistler, Vancouver in Canada, ...