In her powerfully poignant debut collection of stories, Souvankham Thammavongsa illuminates the marginalized lives of Lao immigrants in Canada. Many examples of immigrant fiction dedicate a portion of their storytelling to exploring details of homelands that their characters have abandoned—food, ritual...
This helps ensure that you cover all the key aspects of the language and don’t skip something important, like how to pronounce spoken words or an important grammar concept. Then add on as many auxiliary activities as you can fit into your designated study time!
The plural of 'Cyclops' is 'Cyclopes,' not 'Cyclopses.' The plural is thought to be evidence of the influence of the French form of the word, which is 'Cyclope.'
I just want to make sure I get your first name pronounced properly. If I’m going to make fun of accents I have to accept– Bushra: If I’m going to scare people away with my accent, let me start. Andrew: Do it. How do you pronounce your name? Bushra: Okay. My name is Bus...
“If a man were to make it his purpose to take a true aim with a spear or arrow at some mark, his ultimate end, corresponding to the ultimate good as we pronounce it, would be to do all he could to aim straight: the man in this illustration would have to do everything to aim ...
In a way, maybe, yeah. I told Gérard, ‘Try also to convince her that there is an authentic guy, and that’s what she needs.’ But it’s like a guy selling ice cream on the beach, for me, it’s more poignant than manipulative. ...
Beyond teaching viewers the correct way to pronounce sheeeeit, "The Wire" gracefully portrayed the lack of options for many people, proving the drug game isn't everything, it's the only thing. But what if we could actually choose what we want to do with our lives, and the moral ...
Maria Iskariotkilled. Shredded. Ruled. Owned the entire crowd, from the moment the lady in the middle jumped straight into the audience and forced them to sing along – individually at first, then collectively – with words they couldn’t even pronounce let alone understand, but increasingly, ...
The album’s poignant title song has Offset reflecting on his slow acceptance of fatherhood, and Rube underlines the difficulty of the journey. “It’s noisy off the set path,” he intones. “How can I make choices I’ve yet to discover we have?” Rube also knows how it feels to ...