英语 语言 听力 美式发音 音标发音 外语分类 外语教材 切换-音频 00:00:00/ 00:00:00 高清 猜你喜欢 8 E.T.(Diamantina)-Diamantina by:流行风ING 1.6万 T.E.T.教师效能训练 by:秋烨nt 239 E.A.T-Mello Keys by:嘻哈有态度 7258 卓阅P.E.T. —— 张卓&王漪的P.E.T.对话 ...
039. How to pronounce PAPER and PEPPER peɪpɚ & pɛpɚ - American English Pronuncia是【油管搬运】500+集英语发音教程 美式发音 Tarle Speech合集的第39集视频,该合集共计517集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
P491496. 5 Learning Hacks to Get Better at Italian 11:21 P492497. How to Fight Language Learning Failure 07:58 P493498. 3 Ways to Study Italian on Your Own 03:35 P494499. 8 Ways to Practice Italian Writing 03:22 P495500. How to Pronounce Italian Like a Native Speaker 20:49 P49...
This is because students can usually pick it up naturally (as it is more difficult to pronounce “s” after a voiced sound and “z” after an unvoiced sound), misunderstandings due to getting it wrong or mishearing it are extremely unlikely, and it is easily corrected as you go along. ...
/kha:ndæn/. This word had a slightly different pronunciation in the past. People have changed its pronunciation to make it easier to pronounce, but they haven’t changed its spelling. It has its own reasons. Sometimes, if we change the spelling of a word, we might get a different wo...
E163-How to Pronounce Plural Nouns_ American English 812022-10 4 E162-How to Pronounce Marathon - American English - from the NYC 952022-10 5 E161-How to make Pumpkin Pie + Idioms_ American English Pronuncia 982022-10 6 E160-How to Pronounce _Happy Birthday_ - American English 1032022-10...
If you want to make people believe that you are able to speak like a native Italian speaker would, you need to learn how to form plural nouns.
Final -s in singular French words usually stays the same when changing to the plural, but English speakers sometimes pronounce the -s only in the plural (“a rendezvous” with a silent -s but “two rendezvous” with a pronounced -s). ...
美语发音:How to Pronounce -ed Verb Endings 查看《易读错单词发音视频》更多内容>> 保存到QQ日志 登录QQ空间 阅读本文的人还阅读了: 美语发音:AA + N, M, or NG 2012-04-19 美语发音:AR, ORN, etc 2012-04-23 美语发音:Plural of Nouns 2012-04-24 美语发音:Tense Vs. Lax ee Vs. ih...
Knowing when to use an '-s' or an '-es' on a plural can be hard and frustrating. The rules may seem arbitrary, but here's a simple guide to correct pluralization.