going to come out of it with little to show but a dent in their bank balances. The pickup artist scene is a house of self-myth. I’ve got a cold, so it’s a little hard for me to pronounce things apparently. Is it true that this is a self-myth that we are selling customers?
“If a man were to make it his purpose to take a true aim with a spear or arrow at some mark, his ultimate end, corresponding to the ultimate good as we pronounce it, would be to do all he could to aim straight: the man in this illustration would have to do everything to aim s...
The word of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me." God sends Jonah to pronounce what LOOKS LIKE an 'unconditional prophecy' (3.3f)-- Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went...
Louies grades are always in the 90’s. When you think he is not listening he can repeat back to you everything you said. He is reading way above average. And can pronounce out words that will surprise you. His parents are at a loss as to what needs to be done for Louie. Last yea...
It’s relatively easy to fix. The restaurant could give the customer a numbered token upon ordering and paying, which he would redeem at the next window for his food. Or the second window could demand to see the receipt. Or the two windows could talk to each other more, maybe by puttin...
I’m changing my screen name from DR, which isn’t really pronounceable and which I keep forgetting anyway. Agricola was the father-in-law of Tacitus, whom the historian put forth as proof of the possibility of being an honorable man in the dishonorable age of the emperor Domitian. Posted...
ThroughoutHow Fiction Works, Wood writes in the manner of a dilettante: every two or three pages he selects a new subject to briefly examine, pronounce some judgment on, then discard. Many of his judgments are, as I hope I’ve demonstrated, vague to the point of saying very lit...
Both writers advance reasonable arguments about what is the best way to teach reading as they damn the other side through the description of what it does and favors. Although (12) uses a greater amount of morally-loaded description terms (e.g....
Even turning your voice into text--automatic speech recognition-- is one of the hardest problems to solve, as there are as many ways to pronounce things as there are people on the planet. Siri has often been praised for its ability to interpret our casual language and deliver very specific...