to try safari. unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording recording click the record button again to finish recording play stop record again contribute add use you can contribute this audio pronunciation of nars to howtopronounce dictionary. contribute have you finished your recording...
How to pronounce Gal Gadot. She is Israeli and not French so the “T” is not silent, but it isn’t asaspirated(or breathy) as in American English. Gadot does not rhyme with dot. Gadot does not rhyme with depot, merlot, or escargot. Gadot sounds closer to boat or dote. Man Of S...
Especially, those of us that like red wines benefit by it’s ability to go with foods. Sangiovese Wines (Chianti) There are many districts in Tuscany that make Sangiovese wines. There are strict laws regarding grape percentages that are followed. Pronounce it sahn-gee-oh-VAY-zay. Zinfandel ...
(Bentonite), and a host of other hard-to-pronounce substances that most people would never be interested in consuming by themselves. When these materials are mixed in to wine they slowly fall down to the bottom. Along the way though, they do some work at the molecular level of which the...
Considered a noble wine in Alsace, Gewurztraminer (geh-VAIRTZ-trah-mee-ner) has the distinction of being one of the easiest wines to recognize and the hardest to spell and pronounce. It is spectacularly fragrant, with heady scents of lychee nut, rose petal, apricot, pear, and clovelike sp...
常见的葡萄品种: Cabernet Sauvignon(赤霞珠), 、Merlot(梅鹿),、 Malbec(马碧)、Cabernet Franc(品丽珠) St Emilion(圣埃米利翁) St Emilion(聖埃米利翁)是位于波尔多右岸的产区,也是历史最为古老的一个法定产区(AOC)之一,自12世纪已开始酿制葡萄酒。 St Emilion拥有复杂的土壤条件,例如:沙子、粘土及石灰石等,因而...
Learn to pronounce the names of writers with non-English names. For example, Proust is pronounced “Proost,” to rhyme with “roost.” 4 Love and appreciate other cultures. You don’t have to leave your city to learn to appreciate other cultures, though traveling is a great way to improve...