#Fun# How to pronounce LOEWE? | 在之前2018秋冬时装周时,LOEWE在秀场后台找来了几位模特拍摄小短片,让她们说说品牌名的念法。相信很多人一样好奇这个五个字母的西班牙品牌究竟怎么念,模特在前半部分做了各式各样的错误示范,后半部分则是LOEWE的正确念法,大家都会了吗LFashion_BangZ的秒拍视频 ...
LOEWE präsentiert: Jahrzehnte der Verwirrung Perücken, Buzzer, ikonische Mode und falsche Antworten. Unser neuester Film, geschrieben von Dan Levy, zeigt Dan selbst und Aubrey Plaza in einem einzigartigen Buchstabierwettbewerb. Dank archivierter Modelle von LOEWE und der preisgekrönten Hairst...
From luxury brand names to world-class designers, here's how to pronounce everything that matters in men's fashion. At least you can sound like an expert.
Check out my guide on how to pronounce designer names. If you’ve ever been curious, look no further! I’ve rounded up a list of the correct pronunciations for the creme de la creme of today’s designers. Here’s to a lesson in haute couture phonetics! How to Pronounce your Favorite ...
a那个小孩发音有困难 That child pronounces has the difficulty[translate] a从大学毕业后 After university graduation[translate] a展现了人性的美好与丑恶 Has unfolded the human nature happiness and the ugliness[translate] a中国的文字很复杂 China's writing is very complex[translate] ...
Best Player Name: Federico Poser — fun to say whether you pronounce it correctly or not This is not to say that Elon had no bright spots in the season’s first six weeks. Stanford grad transfer Marcus Sheffield emerged as a premier scorer, posting 17 points per game to go along with ...
LOEWE呈獻:《Decades of Confusion》 假髮、蜂鳴器、經典時裝和錯誤答案。本影片由Dan Levy擔任編劇,並由Dan本人和Aubrey Plaza主演,他們將上演一場獨一無二的拼寫大賽。 在LOEWE典藏作品和屢獲殊榮的髮型師兼「假髮大師」Michelle Ceglia的協助下,Aubrey和Dan搖身變成代表各個年代的獨特人物。
LOEWE presenta: Decades of Confusion Pelucas, zumbidos, moda icónica y respuestas erróneas. Escrito por Dan Levy, nuestro último vídeo está protagonizado por el propio Dan y Aubrey Plaza en un concurso de deletreo sin precedentes. ...
LOEWE presenta: Decades of Confusion Pelucas, zumbidos, moda icónica y respuestas erróneas. Escrito por Dan Levy, nuestro último vídeo está protagonizado por el propio Dan y Aubrey Plaza en un concurso de deletreo sin precedentes. ...
ロエベのアーカイブアイテムと、受賞歴のあるヘアスタイリストで“ウィッグ マエストラ”のミシェル・セグリアの力を借りて、オーブリーとダンが各年代ごとにユニークなキャラクターへと変身します。 《長年の混乱》は、即興的なやりとりとカラフルなスタイリングを遊び心たっぷりに織り...