10-20-30 rule. It is a useful rule of a thumb by Guy Kawasaki from Apple. According to it, your slideshow should contain no more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes and use font size no less than 30 point. Following it will greatly limit the amount of information you may...
In fact, when it comes to the section of back and belly fat, there's no love lost. Love handles are zones of stubborn fat, the first place men gain it and the last it disappears. And, sometimes, even though you've logged hours of cardio for weight loss and dedicated time to the ...
Don't choose a lip balm with an extra-long list of ingredients you can't pronounce. A vitamin E or glycerin-based ointment containing other natural ingredients could also be helpful.[4] Avoid using lipstick to moisturize your lips. Lipstick can be drying - you need a protective ointment...