我不会读”Jean“,因为看不懂这个音标。这音标极其类似韦氏音标中的“ä“,却又不是。 I can’t pronounce the “Jean”, because I don’t understand the phonetic symbol of it。The sound closely resembles “ä” in Merriam-Webster’s dictionaries, but actually differs from “ä”.Vim...
Pronounce Names In the News pronounce this name How to pronounce Jean-Pierre Aumont?1 entry Pronunciation of Jean-Pierre Aumont in France Play Slow Origin: French Helpful Send us corrections Trending Names Apalachee 5,008 Views Bryn-Penarth (Wales, UK) 3,956 Views Auliʻi ...
Nasal vowel in "Jean." Tim Bauerschmidt BOW-er-shmitt Dan Baum bowm (first syllable rhymes with wow) Louis Bayard LOO-iss BY-erd Ifa Bayeza EE-fa bah-YEE-zuh Josh Bazell buh-ZELL Cris Beam Sounds like Chris but is quite firmly "Cris" - the author professes to detest the...
Pronunciation by Amyjean (Female from United States) There's no comparison between these phones. The iPhone is clearly better There's no comparison between these phones. The iPhone is clearly better pronunciation Pronunciation by roboleg (Male from Canada) Can you pronounce it better? Or wit...
How to Pronounce your Favorite Designer Names Abaeté: Ah-bye-ah-tay Alejandro Ingelmo: Allay-handro In-gel-mo Andrew Gn: Andrew Jen Andy Thê-Anh: An-dee Tay-Ann Anya Hindmarch: Ahn-ya Heind-march Arthur Mendonça: Ar-thur Men-doe-sa ...
Jean-Paul Pronunciation: zhahn-pall Your browser does not support the element. Origin: French Tags #french pronunciation key See Also Jean-Paul Sartre French philosopher Jean-Paul Gaultier French fashion designer Copyright 2006-2019 : inogolo...
How to say cyran in English? Pronunciation of cyran with 3 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 1 translation and more for cyran.
Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Phrases to Speak Chinese Fluently - Part 12 Share Watch on Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ?
Well, kind of. The word “jean” comes from the Frenchjean fustian.Fustianis a type of twilled cotton cloth originally from Genoa, Italy. But the plural form of the word was first used in the United States, in 1843. Levi Strauss designed a pair of durable worktrousersfor laborers, compl...
Is Jean masculine or feminine? On the European continent and in all French-speaking countries, Jean is a male name derived from the Old French Jehan (or Jahan). The female equivalent is Jeanne (French: [ʒan]) and derives from the Old French Jehanne. Is short masculine or feminine in ...