That sound is written 'Ph'. 'Kh' is the first syllable in English "cat". Now you know how to pronounce 'Th', 'Ph', and 'Kh' which are the most common mistakes. Now here's the slightly tricky part: If you see 'T', 'P', or 'K', without the h, you need to take your no...
The commonly-made mistake is to pronounce a 'ch' like an English 'ch' – it is more like a 'k'. Lorenzo Insigne is a tough one to get spot on – linguists may note that his 'gn' works like a Spanish 'ñ'. Gianluigi Buffon – Jan-loo-ee-jee Boo-fon Federico Marchetti – Mar...
Get a better job: Power Verbs for Resume Writing 6 ways to pronounce ‘-OUGH’ words in English IELTS Reading: Top 10 Tips Quiz Test your understanding of this English lesson Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score...
Some people pronounce with ‘i’ sound and others with ‘e’ sound . Where I must use one or the other ? Does a short expression exist to say that you desagree with someone e.g. I like pizza . So I don’t. Or I don’t like pizza . So I do . At last . Is it correct to...