" With few exceptions, when it came to reading what others have written about Dworkin, "not bad" was as good as it got. Having just reread it recently, I must retract that assessment: it is an unabashedly, inexcusably woman-hating piece of tabloid journalism. Levy's writing--its approac...
Make more money when your business goes public.This study foundthat the easier a stock name is to pronounce, the better it performs in the short term. If we can agree that the words we choose are persuasive levers — and our job is to pull those levers intentionally and strategically ...
and which contributes to its popularity, is the simple, understandable composition of capsules. There are no complex chemical formulas and exotic herbs and flowers, the names of which are difficult to even pronounce, not something to digest. From this point of view, everything is as simple as...
If your relative is used to using the same weak password everywhere, you may have to drag them into their more secure future. The simplest offer you can make is to help a relative come up with at least one strong, pronounceable password that doesn’t entirely use words found in a dictio...
a valuable tool for cineasts to look over what the general consensus on the latest film might be, from the low-key independent film you can hardly pronounce to the latest glitzy blockbuster Hollywood throws into a bazillion screens across the globe. A site such as Rotten Tomatoes, easily...