Being the kid who couldn’t stop blurting things out, who saw things quite differently than other kids, whose name they would never pronounce correctly, I often felt different. I often felt the way the Jewish kids must have felt during our public school’s Christmas pageant. Or how Hindus,...
Some data flows and storage levels in the Git revision control system Git has two data structures: a mutable index (also called stage or cache) that caches information about the working directory and the next revision to be committed; and an immutable, append-only object database. The index ...
I am trying to make a kind of a pronounceable cryptographic language in python. I want to iterate through a string and change i.e. just some vowels. i thought this could be done with an arraychars["a","o"]where the first letter should be replaced with the...
You are the constant around which my world revolves. Everything that seemed stable and immutable has turned out to be made of shifting sand, these past months, and it appears that my sense of myself and my place in the world is no less transient. Thoughts like these make me feel old. ...
Say what you will about me: the moment I miss a Monty Python reference as obvious as that one, you may pronounce me legally dead. "Third, "frumple" was a reference I coud not track down." That's ok. It's on the web, but I shall elucidate for you: It's a reference to the ...
Although this might sound rather intimidating, you don’t need to know the formal definition. Intuitively, it’s a very rough measure of the rate of growth at the tail of the function that describes the complexity. You pronounce it as “big oh” of something: That “something” is usually...