her parents over broccoli. SpongeBob Squarepants can’t even pronounce the wordsalad. This rejection of greens is baked into our brains early. Vegetables are a gross obligation to either be pushed to the side of a plate or, at the very least, scarfed down before you get to the good ...
To that end, I like to blanch broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots for veggie trays. You can also get fancy and call them crudités. Crudités is French for “raw things,” and is pronounced crew-dih-TAY (don’t pronounce the “s” at the end). A platter of crudités can include raw ...
Hummus– This dip is made from chickpeas, which contain high amounts of both protein and fiber to keep you feeling full for hours. Serve it with some fresh veggies or whole grain crackers for a healthy and satisfying snack. Shrimp– Shrimp is a great source of protein as well as omega- ...
Oysters, abalone, sea urchins — Tasmania’s brisk waters produce some of the world’s best seafood with briny ingredients being reclaimed and reinvented on east Asian-inspired menus by Indigenous chefs.
Hummus? Getty Images HOOM-uhs HUM-uhs Advertisement Jicama? Getty Images HEE-kah-mah HICK-ah-mah Prosciutto? Getty Images Proh-SHOO-toh Proh-SCOO-toh Advertisement Sake? Getty Images SAH-kee SAH-kay Sherbet? Getty Images Sure-bet Sure-bert ...