Well, Ronnie, could you teach us (not native speakers) how to pronounce different words with /æ/ and /e/ sounds, please? You know, we don’t have those sounds in Russian, so I just don’t see any difference between them. I pronounce “sad” and “said”, “had” and “head”...
Hello, please make a lesson and teach how pronounce America’s and Canada’s states. And also famous places. :) Anahita I’ll see what I can do Anahita :) Adam 9/9 If they ask me for where I go, I would say “I’m in transit, I’m going to Whistler, Vancouver in Canada, ...
Make it easy to pronounce and spell. Do not use numbers or hyphens. Usedomain name generatorsto come up with clever domain name ideas. For more tips and practical advice, see our guide onhow to choose the best domain namefor your website. How to Buy a Domain Name You can buy y...
PTAPromise to Appear(in court) PTAPicatinny Arsenal PTAPhysiotherapy Assistant PTAPatellar Tendon Angle(orthopedics) PTAPressure Transient Analysis PTAProject, Task, Award(various universities) PTASpanish Peseta(national currency) PTAProvincial Training Allowance ...
I’d like to ask you: Do you pronounce “t” in a word “often” ? I heard that in some native speakers’ talks but I was taught differently in my school. dancingqueen Not in some Countries, for instance, in American English you do not pronounce the ‘t’sound. Look: often is ...