I had yet to acclimate to the weighty weightlessness, the suspension of time and gravity while reminding myself to breathe-1-2-3, when a thresher shark darted between us, slipping underneath our tether. Surly Substitute motioned up-up-up. Back to boat, her announcement sent group scrabbling ...
But I reserve the right to express myself, and I feel compelled to bring a guest who speaks in grand terms down to earth. I’m not trying to pronounce my moral values on society. Nobody’s that smart. Besides, it’s more complicated.” He is a man who has had complications. He ...
But I reserve the right to express myself, and I feel compelled to bring a guest who speaks in grand terms down to earth. I’m not trying to pronounce my moral values on society. Nobody’s that smart. Besides, it’s more complicated.” He is a man who has had complications. He ...