paragraphs. He looked 26and said, “I can't read." I 27I had mistaken what he said,28I asked him to read again. This time,I 29the child could not even read any of the sight words. So I 30over and stood beside him and helped him with the words that he could not pronounce. ,...
Progress will be faster when you find a teacher who describes rather than prescribes usage. They should be able and willing to explain, for example, how Konjunktiv II is generally used in place of Konjunktiv I in German, even though it is technically incorr...
Learn these variations so that you can pronounce words correctly. Don't forget that German has a few extra letters that are not present in English. ( Ä Ö Ü ß ) You will need to learn these, as well as how they're pronounced, if you want to understand and be understood. 2...