法国的葡萄产区,除了波尔多的左岸外,还有生产优质红酒的右岸产区,包括波美侯(Pomerol)及圣埃米利翁(St Emilion)。而位于法国北部,就是不少朋友也喜爱 的香槟之乡─香槟区。此外,法国中部的布根地(勃艮第),隆河丘(Cotes du Rhone),保祖利(Beaujolais)等也是
Truth be told, I don’t think I’m that good at public speaking. Tons of speakers crush me in presentation, poise, and general lack of F-bombs. Granted, I was born and raised on Long Island, but the smooth delivery doesn’t seem to be a natural skill. Here are the ground rules I...
“Delivery health” is written out in English which is fairly common in Japan. “Delihelu” is simply a contraction that is more in fitting with the way that Japanese people actually pronounce the term. Some may even refer to the service as just “deli” when speaking to other Japanese peo...